Connect Circus
The database for circus contacts.

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What is
Connect Circus?

Connect Circus is an online tool for travellers, hosts, artists and circus people who want to make new connections globally.
It is 100% free.

If you are a traveller, you can meet people wherever you go and profit from free accommodation. If you are a host, you can invite people to your home, let them join in a circus practice, show them your favourite restaurant or film cool videos together.

Possibilities are endless.

How it works:

By joining Connect Circus, you get access to the entire database of circus contacts around the globe. The only thing you have to do, is leave at least one contact option, as well as your country and city of residence, for other people contact you.

Connect Circus is a taking and a giving.

You can use the map function and explore contacts in a geographical overview or you can systematically browse contacts in certain countries with the Contact List.

“Before every journey, I had to post on Social Media to find connections.
Connect Circus makes my life easier!”
— Luca Pferdmenges, Creator of Connect Circus

Connect Circus connected over 53 countries already.
From Switzerland to Indonesia, from Syria to Peru: We celebrate diversity.